Enhanced Learning Provision
Woodcote High School Enhanced Learning Provision
The Enhanced Learning Provision provides students with a range of physical disabilities support on the basis of their individual needs within their timetabled lessons.
They will work with their peers in accessing a mainstream curriculum but in addition will have access to physiotherapy, occupational therapy and other outside agencies should they require it.
The school site has been adapted to make it accessible to students with physical disabilities by means of:-
- Ramps to allow access to all areas of the school
- 2 lifts to access upper floors of school
- Automatic doors
- Breezi chair for access to tables in Science lessons
- Height adjusting tables in Science, Food technology and ICT
- Privacy for assistance with feeding if needed
As they progress through the school, option choices and timetable will be negotiated with the student, parents and relevant members of the SEND team. This will ensure all students in the ELP receive their full entitlement to all aspects of the school’s curriculum. Every effort is made to support the student’s attendance and involvement in all school trips and events.
Facilities included to help meet the ongoing therapy, care and medical needs of the students include:
- Disabled access toilet
- Hygiene room with clos-o-mat toilet
- Hoist, sling and changing tables
- Wet room
- Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist work with students in ELP
- Healthcare plans set up with the school nurses
- First aid trained staff specialised in specific medication
- Trained staff in manual handling
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Hydro Therapy delivered by a physiotherapist at local centres
The school also has access to further specialist support in the form of:
- Educational Psychologist
- Wheelchair services
- Specialist Careers advisors
- Transport services
Each student also has access to a range of IT equipment to help foster their independence and maximise their academic potential. Touch screen computers and adapted keyboards and peripherals are used.
The team is led by Ms K. Carlile and a skilled group of teaching assistants who monitor and support the students on a daily basis.
When your application for the ELP has been accepted the SENCO or ELP Co-ordinator will visit the student in their current educational provision. There is a clear induction procedure for new students.
Ms Carlile and the SENCO constructs a profile of each student with a EHCP and an individualised care plan is written and agreed with parents and the school’s nurse, prior to their arrival in the school. This is reviewed at least annually.
Reasonable adjustments are made to a student’s timetable to enable each to participate as fully as he/she is practically able in every lesson. Again these are reviewed regularly.
Where students have specific challenges in Maths, English or Languages that are substantially lower than that of their peers, the Learning Support Department has established small classes to meet these needs. Typically these classes are in a ratio of 7.1. Additionally, for students with particular difficulties, small Humanities, Science and PE groups can be organised as the need arises. Students may have additional support for their learning through the provision of literacy/numeracy lessons, booster work or ‘back-up’ classes; small learning groups where learning is revisited, homework is reviewed and progress is monitored. Access for students on all trips is carefully thought out and all trips are assessed for equality of access and risk.
If you would like to arrange a tour of the ELP and school, please contact Ms King, SENCO or Ms Carlile, ELP Co-ordinator who will be happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have.
What our students say about the ELP
A place where we can be ourselves.
Happiness and helpfulness.
A unit where there is no judging and an acceptance of who we are.
A nice quiet place to work.
The staff are always happy and friendly.